
Friday, February 24, 2012

Lizard Orbs #12 Update

More one update! The work is proceeding fine.

The sample is just a tease. I am about 30% completion.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fanatixxx #3 Update

Hello! The layouts are finished and the inking phase is rolling right now. But it will take to be finished.
But do not worry, I will keep you updated!

This sample is a color test for Lois. It's an evolved version I used in the Growth Queens #0.

Lizard Orbs #12 Update

Hi! I will post weekly updates until the release.
The comic is proceeding fine, some three weeks more, I guess.

 Here a sample of the big Villain showing her jelly muscles.

Friday, February 10, 2012

LuigisJuy's Robot Story Update

And here a page with a little more action. I worked on top of the LuigisJuy's pencil and he will color as well.
The story is about muscular ladies, cyborgs and machines challenging each other in a tournment! It's pretty crazy!

Wasted Lands #1 Update

Here the first page finished! Now the other pages will come faster.

Looks nice, huh? Don't mind the text, it's still to be reviewed.

Lizard Orbs #12 Update

Hello! Long time, huh?

I am inking and painting the first chapter, well the first page at least. The comic will be available soon.

Tell me what you think of the colors. The background needs a 'boost' but i am liking the muscle and veins of that page.