
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lizard Orbs 10 Update

First real message! Lizard Orbs 10 will have 21 pages instead 33. I think this way the next 2 editions will be released faster. So, to spice the post, a sample of  19th page.

I believe Lizard Orbs 10 will be launched in this month yet.


  1. OMG! this looks so cool! The goo stuff going on and in the girls reminds me of Venom from spider man series ;) i hope this goo going inside them aids the FMG XD!!!

    Hope you get this one out this month reddy it would be sweet!

  2. Looking forward to it, but think you'll make it?

    It's only a few days left of the week. As for the goo, looks good.

    Had a goo story once, but didn't finish it.

  3. Glad to see the update. I'll definitely be getting this when it comes out.
