
Friday, March 11, 2011

Kartoon Warz #2 Update

The comic is going alright. I already have a little more than half. There still chances to release in this month.
I am posting the second page already painted by Luigisjuy. See you soon with more updates!


  1. Colors look great! However alittle worried :p why is Meg from family guy there? Sorry if you are a fan of her or have many fans of her but compared to the other sexy characters so far she looks well ugly there's nothing wrong with your version of her I just think she's ugly even in family guy , anyways I'm still really looking forward to release :) keep up the great work, oh yeah Kim looks HOT!!!!

  2. You answered your own question. She is too much ugly and because that(and other little things) she wasn't envited for the pool party. But she will have a crutial role to play in the story.

  3. Lol wasn't invited to party? Now I feel bad,should have had more faith in u :p( apologies to Meg for calling here ugly) ,well I guess she will have her turn in Fanatixxx 4 (megalois) . Anyways best of luck with the comic i appreciate all the time and hard work you and Luigisjuy put into the comic

  4. You do know that Meg is more or less a shorter, slightly heavier Lois with brunette hair, right?

  5. And don't forget the glasses. But in the comic she will be a little hotter than her original version.
