
Friday, November 4, 2011

Growth Queens #2 Update


So Rogue from the X-men is the new Queen! Let's set the details then!

Well, I like very much the 90's version, I don't know how she looks on these days now. I plan to use this version, it's sexy. Tell me what you guys think about it.

Now, the "FMG ignition" could be she touching juggernaut in some fighting. Then she deals with him and gives a big biceps flex in the end. The comic will have 10 pages after all, so the first page will be the introduction and I  want to make some growth on the second page already.

Please tell me if you have ideas and sugestions. I will make a sketch of Rogue soon. It will be a pain to draw that big hair.


  1. might sound stupid but why not have Rogue absorb hulks powers? We all know Hulk can go ravage all the time. So you can have a she hulk transformation of Rogue as well?

  2. then again the Juggernaut thing is classic as well and has been done in the comics although they didnt have any muscle growth there

  3. Both have been done before, Hulk, She-hulk and Juggernaut.

    A fan made version of Hulk getting overpowered by Rogue, I think the Avengers attacking the X-men and the manga version of X-men, where Rogue losses control after taking Juggernaut's powers.

    I mean, they can still be used. Marvel have messed up their characters so much, no one knows what goes on.

  4. would be fun to see her show off her new power by having juggernaught attack her with no effect other than making her stronger =]

  5. Thank you for the links, Redsilver!

    I wanted to use Juggernaut because he is a very know character, Hulk is a little distant from X-men and I may use him in a possible(and obvious) She-Hulk story. I think Juggernaut is still a good choice. I could make something like these What if... series with the Watcher, etc. Or make Rogue get crazy with the powers and beat up badly the rest of the X-men. But, it's only 10 pages, there is no much place for all this content. Maybe in a Fanatixxx comic...

    But do not worry, I'll post the storyboard details and I'll make sure the story pleases the most people.

  6. If her 90s hair is really that much of a pain, you could just use her Evolution hairstyle.

  7. Reddy extend the story (make it longer that 10 pages) and use all of the characters Jaggeraut, Hulk etc. But don't let her turn green :)

  8. Yeh I agree, I don't mind paying more it will be worth it ;)

  9. Judging from the poll votes, you should hit around 200 copies sales level, I think it worth spending more time for more content :)

  10. Hi! Well, of course I can make a bigger story, but the Growth Queens function is to make smaller comics for only FMG action. I can make an extended version (30-40 pages) for the Fanatixxx series but this would take a time(4 months or less). Let's see how the things turns out with 10 pages. If becomes a sucess, I can think on something like "Rogue smashs/absorbs Marvel".
