
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Growth Queens #3 update!

Another project! 2ndYay!

Here the sample of the first page!

What do you think?!
WHY NO COLORS you asks. Well, the thing is, I am pretty slow in colored comics. And I already measured the time and effort. With the help of Luigisjuy, the comic still takes a lot of time. It's weird.

So after a lot experiments and stuff, I came with some new methods for drawing comics. And I tell you, maybe with this I can pull off my wildest dream... 20 pages by month instead 5 or 8. It's pretty like the style of Wasted Lands, but it's a improved and revised method.

It's less work? Nope. Is a careful and strategic way of using lines and textures. It's a better use of time. Thats the japanese way of making comics. Or do you think anyone can draw 30 pages by week just drawing and drawing! No, there is a lot secrets and methods in the business! And a team. And money. And a team.

So, tell me what you think of the art. Of course, this is a manga style. Kartoon Warz needs another set of methods.


  1. Although the style looks great, I'd like to be honest and say that I'd prefer a longer wait for a colored comic rather than a shorter wait for a black and white comic, especially if talking about no-story growth-only short comics. Still, I understand your reasons :)

  2. Well, there should be at least 312 happy people! So while I voted for WW I look forward to seeing Chun-Li break out. So make it 313.

  3. Im happy whenever you release a comic and understand how long and hard they can get to make, while I do like this style if it means you can make them faster I still prefer the colour comics a lot more :D

    Also is this a different technique that you used in LIZ orbs, because I remember you saying that it took just as long and you may as well just colour them :( ?a

    keep up the great work cant wait to see chun Li explode with swollen veiny muscles XD

  4. The pic looks amazing. I like color and hope you don't completely move away from it completely, but I wouldn't mind seeing a few of your comics done just in this style.
