
Monday, August 20, 2018

Sacrifice #3 Update

Hello! This one will be the last update, the next one will be about  the release.
I am putting the sound effects and spellchecking, reviewing the art, its hard to say "DONE" in these big projetcs. I will release it next week. I am 99.9% sure.

But I did bring samples! The covers:

Which one do you prefer? Sunny beach or Hellish fire? It's hard to choose!


  1. First of all I would take it even as it is right now cause finally!!!! Yes awesome I like both covers but I prefer the red cover my only issue is the horns lol. But seriously I would take the comic right now mistakes and all. Like please lol

  2. I love your work. I hope you are right - but I have been checking every day for a year. I'll believe it when it happens. I like the sunny better, but both are good

  3. I like either one. I think the red hue around the bodies is the only thing I would remove from the Fire Cover.

  4. The beach picture should definitely be the cover and hellfire one should be the first page. To me that basically translates to "Oh that's nice, this is gonna be an awesome time!" to "Oh, some shit is gonna go down!".

  5. What a unsuspected surprise, ill be more than happy with either cover.

  6. So...Sunday is technically "next week." Can we get it tomorrow?

  7. Okay so it is Sunday and I have an honest question here well more like 3. First when Reddy said this week was that only for petrons or for everyone? Secondly I am counting from today so Reddy when is the release date? And 3rd is this real?

  8. Is anyone else checking back multiple times per day?

    1. You are not alone I do the exact same thing lol m too excited

  9. Replies
    1. The week isn't over yet give Reddy a chance ad if Reddy fails you can go on a full on rage

  10. 54 hours left in the week...

  11. Hello everyone! The comic is completed, I will release it tomorrow. I will let you know when everything is ready. It's the same process if you bought a comic from me before. See you soon!

  12. 03/31/2016 recent update.. It took two half years...
